
Reeling from shock, Bryan had just tended the locus of his feelings and intuitions for the umpteenth time. Following a backbreaking long trek along the lonesome path of love which was dashed to pieces by Runo, his estranged girlfriend who only used him to get over her erring boyfriend. 
Sitting on her feet, with his taciturn girlfriend poring over a book; Bryan had rested the upper part of his body that encapsulates the face and brain on the mammary glands forming soft protuberances, supported by the module where secret thoughts are kept. Lolly had welcomed this development with a hard knock interpreted by the member for distinguishing sounds, on the bony case that encloses his brain. 
Salivating before his apron-skirted bride-to-be who bestrode the kitchen door and commanded with her big spoon. He had used the faculty for detecting, to track out the smell of a burning pot of grains grown in warm climates in flooded paddy-fields embellished with the mildly acid, glossy red fluffy edible grain – Jollof Rice. The fleshy organ used for tasting and swallowing, rolled up the meal into balls as the hard bone-like enamel structure helped in crushing it into bits.                

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