

The year started on a blank page. I mumbled some resolutions under my breath peeling every habit I once had. 
Each crumb falling into my mind’s eye. I asked God out and wore him like a medal everywhere I went.

Each time I shut my eyes to dream, I always saw God laughing at me, he was macho and all he had were his muscles and power.
Accusations piled up on my desk and we parted ways with mere words like the red sea. So, I bade him goodbye and wore heartbreak like a glove.  

Then, the mirror became my best friend. Though we never had a conversation, my flaws were a reflection on her brittle frame that I became a shadow of myself. She had my records on her fingertips. 
I  became comfortable in my skin. Stark- staring my identity right in the face. So, I kept stealing a glance at this figure, I disfigured. 

I succumbed to the pressure that inflated my ego. Then, carefully I watched it burst. Tiny particles filled with pride and worries. 
All I had left were bubbles. I became empty; staggering under my silhouette.  
Every other day, life sneaks into my room shabbily dressed, invading my privacy. I felt her touch, so, we had a brawl. 
She was clad in disguise. Her apparel – an inferior fabric. Deceit seeped through her inquisitive eyes. So I called it quits with her.

Again, life forced herself on me and I became hungry for more. Then, she gave me the recipe for hunger, cooked my thoughts and served it on a broken platter. My clanging spoon had a scoop of this delicacy.

And I munched fermented lies that purged my pride- crunchy in itself. Yet my cravings lingered.

All I had left were ruins and solitude.

I ran a marathon of thoughts yet time caught up with me. I lost a quantum leaps.

Time’s up!

Nothing’s left..

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